1. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for its content, ensured the work has no spelling and grammatical errors and fully understood intellectual property and copyright to avoid inadvertent plagiarism or academic dishonesty.
2. Submit the research paper in a print format in A4 size and an electronic copy in a word format to be sent by email to the Journal email. Make sure to go the website of the journal to fill in articles information in full.
3. Font guidelines to be used:
Simplified Arabic font is used for Arabic texts.
Times New Roman font is used for English and French texts.
Title of article in Arabic should be in 18 pt., bold font.
Title of article in English & French title should be in 16 pt., bold font.
Name of author in Arabic should be in 16 pt., bold font.
Name of author in English and French should be in 14 pt., bold font.
Job title of author and workplace in Arabic should be in 14 pt., bold font.
Job title of author and workplace in English and French should be in 14 pt., bold font.
Main titles in Arabic should be in 16 pt., bold font.
Main titles in English and French should be in 14 pt., bold font.
Subtitles in Arabic should be in 14 pt., bold font.
Subtitles in English and French should be in 12 pt., bold font
Text font in Arabic should be in 14 pt., normal.
Text font in English and French should be in 12 pt., normal.
4. Visual elements such as graphs, charts, tables, photographs, diagrams, and maps should be high quality in black and white and avoid gray/dark shading
5. Author should arrange the basic elements of a research paper as follow:
Title of article
Author's name, address, phone number, e-mail, etc…
Abstract and keywords in Arabic
Introduction and Statement of the Problem
Aims and Objectives
Scope of Research
Literature review
References/bibliography in Arabic and foreign languages in APA style
Abstract and keywords in a foreign language
6. Title page includes title of article in the middle of the page, the name of author(s), followed by the name of institution in which he/she affiliates with, and his/her email.
7. The charts and figures must be numbered independently for each of them, giving a short title at the top of each chart and a short title at the bottom of each figure.
8. Abstract should be short and clearly articulate the research objectives, methodology and the most important findings in not more than 200 words and avoid using abbreviations and references.
9. Research papers must be original and based on original research that produces new knowledge instead of summarizing what is already know in a new form and it shouldn’t be previously been published in print or electronic form.
10. Citing resources in references cited in the text of a paper and list of reference using APA style. Reference list is arranged in alphabetical order of authors' surnames.