Knowledge management is one of the modern disciplines in management sciences for business organizations which focuses on the study of providing solutions to issues of attracting, producing, and sharing knowledge in organizations. Through the literature, it was found that Knowledge management has received less attention in intellectual production. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate the need for more procedures and methods for measuring and managing knowledge in organizations. The study relied on documentary methods through an analytical review of the intellectual output about the knowledge gap. The analysis is presented from the following aspects: the knowledge concepts and types, the reasons for its growth, how it can be analyzed, and finally, the relationship between the knowledge gap and the strategic performance gap of the organization. The study's results found three types of knowledge gaps formed in organizations. Firstly, the strategic knowledge gap presents the quantitative and qualitative differences between the required and the available knowledge. That can be analyzed based on the strategic performance gap analysis. Secondly, the organizational knowledge gap indicates the need for more clarity in the organization's knowledge mix. The analysis will be based on (VENN Diagrams Analysis). Thirdly, the human knowledge gap is related to the employee's performance, and mastery and whether the employee works with the knowledge he/she possesses or does the work require less or more excellent knowledge than the employee possesses. The analysis will be based on K-Gap. The findings were represented by a conceptual framework designed by the researcher
Ashnkeeti, A. (2023). The knowledge gap for knowledge management: a conceptual framework. Arab International Journal of Library & Information Studies, 2(1), 155-176. doi: 10.21608/aijli.2022.158177.1026
Arwa Ashnkeeti. "The knowledge gap for knowledge management: a conceptual framework", Arab International Journal of Library & Information Studies, 2, 1, 2023, 155-176. doi: 10.21608/aijli.2022.158177.1026
Ashnkeeti, A. (2023). 'The knowledge gap for knowledge management: a conceptual framework', Arab International Journal of Library & Information Studies, 2(1), pp. 155-176. doi: 10.21608/aijli.2022.158177.1026
Ashnkeeti, A. The knowledge gap for knowledge management: a conceptual framework. Arab International Journal of Library & Information Studies, 2023; 2(1): 155-176. doi: 10.21608/aijli.2022.158177.1026