The Role of National Archives, Documentation Centers, and Museums in Sudan in the Light of Smart Technologies: A Future Vision

Document Type : Original Article


Library and Information Department, Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan


This study aimed to recognize the readiness of the heritage governmental institutions represented in (the institutions of archives and the centers of Documentation in the national museums) to provide services and make it available electronically to the Sudanese users, by providing infrastructure with the latest smart technologies and strengthen their role, as the institutions of museums are considered as information institutions that share the libraries and archives the role in preserving the heritage of Sudan. The internet has provided a suitable opportunity for all these institutions to enhance their assigned role so that they can preserve human heritage and make it available to users. This study highlights the nature of the international information applications and electronic archives that included in Arab and Sudanese museums. The study used the field approach through a case study based on the visit of the National Authority of Museums and the National Archives, the study revealed the reality of technology in the Sudanese National Center, as well as a digital registry of antiquities in Sudan, as well as the documentation of museum collections. The study concluded with some recommendations and proposed future studies. The important results: The Presence of the IDAL Field program of sites from the German Institute of Archeology, the existence of an electronic archive in the National Museum and a qualified and trained staff on electronic archiving at the level of continuous foreign missions in Germany. The most important recommendations: Paying attention to developing the necessary plans and strategies for the acquisition of electronic resources by the state and providing the necessary budget to facilitate the purchase, providing the service of making available to the users via the Internet.
